Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our journey begins the moment we are conceived, our human form begins to take form and all things that happen during this time will impact the journey outside the womb, this journey called life.

All I know, all I am is the thing I can share, for I do not know your journey but they are parts of my journey that you may recognize or may mirror a small piece of yours.  My intention in sharing my thoughts and lessons is not claim that my journey is any better than another's; instead I wish to share my experiences on this wondrous, beautiful and challenging path with the intention that we all pick up the individual tools we need to thrive and to consciously live on purpose to be the best human we can possibly be, on our own Journey.

I believe I am here because my soul has a purpose beyond my own physical comprehension.  An intent set forth by a power greater than my ego can grasp.  I think I recognized this from a very young age, that I was connected to an energy that was so enormous, a piece of a greatness I could not touch, see or physically feel.  But I knew at my core I was not just my physical world and that this thing I could not see, touch, taste or hear would be the power that would bring me through to whatever my purpose would be and is.

As I share my journey with you, my hope is to ignite the fire in you to bring forth and work toward living your own life on purpose, whatever that means to you and your version of The Creator.  My belief is that we all have our version of hell and trauma that we have experienced and that story is real and valid in our mind of yesterday.  I also believe that we have the power to be grateful for that experience and that with the right tools we are able to transform that version of the story into a great masterpiece of learning, forgiveness, love and passion for the purpose of our lives.  I believe so deeply that with out the abuse I endured as a child and the torment I suffered in my early adulthood, I would not have developed into the person I am today, nor would I have developed the deep rooted hunger I have to learn more and be more in order to help ease the long term suffering of others.  A desire so strong that I breathe it in, every moment of every day.  My journey, my purpose, to be passionately what God has intended for me...   So we all can experience the joys of our journey as it is intended, not just plug along in our self created hell until something better comes along.

So until our next moment together,  begin your Journey with an open heart to all possibilities.

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